About Me

This blog originally started out as...absolutely nothing. It was basically a site where I questioned life, desires, interesting topics, etc. I figured life was full of questions, so why not find the answers? This blog has since moved and in its place is a new blog about...GOALS! Its a new year, a new time, and hopefully soon...a new me.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Some co-workers of mine and I have started to realize that our office is seemingly heavier. Not only is the work load heavy, the stress is heavy, the clutter is heavy... and so is our weight! We have been juggling with the idea of a weight loss competition with a pot of gold for the winner, as money usually is a good tool to use to encourage people to lose weight (well it does for me anyway). The idea took flight and we started our very own Company Wide Biggest Loser competition...with today, January 10, 2011 marking the first day. I received an email stating to donate funds into a paypal account to join in the pot of gold winnings. What was this, a Nigerian Scam? Why am I donating money from my paypal to KayB (names have been altered for privacy obviously). All I can say is that I really hope she doesn't quit prior to April 10th, otherwise she gets to walk out with $300.00 of MY winnings! For about 2 weeks now I have been telling everyone here that I WILL WIN. If you know me, you know I'm a lot of talk. I don't know the first thing about losing body fat percentage, eating correctly, nothing. In years prior to my current old age, I relied solely on cigarettes, caffeine and stress as my weight loss regime. It’s always worked. In a week I could lose 7-10 pounds. Apparently getting old has ZERO advantages. Not only will your breasts inevitably sail south, your face will soon resemble a raisin regardless of million dollar anti aging serums, and apparently fat loves to accumulate on your thunder thighs and NEVER leave, regardless of smokes or coffee intake. This being said, I better start using my incredibly awesome googling skills and get to work reading about how to lose this weight. I’m thinking I might win by default, solely because I will be the only one that sticks with it for 3 months. I start the P90X work out tonight, and I’m hoping I end up as a female version of the hulk (which I guess could be Chyna Doll). Stay tuned for results, as I plan to post them here. I also plan to do daily updates of the struggles, and hopefully accomplished hurdles, in the next three months. Perhaps this may motivate all of you out there ( who are sitting on their computers, watching hulu episodes of Jersey Shore while eating crap food) to get up off your butt and lose some weight...perhaps maybe not only in pounds, but in life as well.

Until tomorrow, Happy Blogging Fatties (Just kidding. again, I'm all talk.)

Rabbit kisses,

Miss Ashley


  1. From KayB - Barring any unexpected departures through no doing of my own, I will most certainly be here on payout day of April 10th ;)

  2. Perfect! Then I can look forward to accepting the prize. (There I go again, over compensating)
