About Me

This blog originally started out as...absolutely nothing. It was basically a site where I questioned life, desires, interesting topics, etc. I figured life was full of questions, so why not find the answers? This blog has since moved and in its place is a new blog about...GOALS! Its a new year, a new time, and hopefully soon...a new me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The 5 AM EXTREME shift

Eyes groggy and head still fuzzy, I popped out of bed and adjusted my eyes to view the time on my illuminated phone. 5:02 AM. I sat there, wondering if I should even attempt day 2 of this challenge. 5:03 came and I thought to myself, I better get up and handle this challenge. Don't forget that I made a BIG stink at work telling everyone that I would be the challenge winner. I can’t fail now, I haven't even begun! At 5:04, I used the light of my phone to guide me to the bathroom to pull my hair up and then somehow managed to push myself to the DVD player and hit play. I started to do the "warm up" (yeah right, more like melt down) and realized I didn’t have my shoes on yet! See what happens when you zombie walk? I attempted to do this morning's workout. Half way into it I did realize that I was starting to feel more pumped, and more alive! Granted I could not do everything that these maniacs were doing, but I still felt pretty good! At one point when I wanted to give up, I looked at Mr. X's side kick to his right. He only had one leg (jeez, way to bring on the guilt trip) and I DID think to myself, if this guy can do it, so can I! (Great marketing P90X!) I did feel bad for the missing leg man though when Mr. X came up and yelled at him to keep his fake leg straight. Poor guy, I’m not sure he has much control of that, does he? If I were him I would have taken off the leg and beat him with it.

Anyway...2 days down, 87 more to go.

I would sign off with hugs and kisses, but I can’t pick up my arms and kissing strangers is foul.

<3- Miss Ashley